2021-04-04 Hepatica and Owl Pellets

 2021-04-04 Saw my first wild spring flower, the Round-lobed Hepatica (Anemone americana), many scattered along the sloping edges of the bluff. Known to be one of the first bloomers in spring, these small flowers peek out of the leaves covering the ground from the fall. The flowers are about 3/4 inch across and have a slender hairy stalk. The ones at Aefintyr are light purple but I've read they can also be white or pink. The leaves are green to purple in color, have 3 lobes, and also have a slender hairy stalk that is a few inches long. Sometimes it seems as though there are no leaves because they hang or grow away from the flowers. If you clear any leaves or other covering on the ground several inches from the flowers you are sure to find the leaves. These photos were taken in the late afternoon and the sunlight was hitting the leaves in such away they almost appeared to glow. 

Also found several other baby plants sprouting up and several owl pellets!
