We had a windy cooler week except for Saturday where temps got to near 70. It rained nearly 2 inches last Monday 4/12 into Tuesday 4/13 and the Middle fork of the Whitewater flooded a bit. Mostly in St. Charles where the river goes under Hwy 74. I didn't seeing any houses or businesses affected and Lost Arrow was spared. I was very excited for the hepatica this week. I am tracking the sunset this year. Check out the difference in the pics between 3-20-2022 and 4-23-2022.
Facing West on 4-23-2022
Facing West on the Equinox 3-20-22
The trail camera from the last few weeks captured several deer, racoons, a turkey and a squirrel.
I noticed several round holes dug in various places in the woods. I kept my eyes open for tracks now that the snow is gone. I have a long way to go developing my awareness of tracks in the dirt. I didn't identify anything other than deer.
I heard a wood pecker drumming and the barred owl hoot. Many more bird sounds are present. On Saturday, I heard spring peepers for the first time from the top of the bluff. They sounded as though they were coming from the West. I first noticed them croaking at 6:49 pm.
There were also a few mosquitos with the warm weather on Saturday. There was lots of moisture from rain and as the afternoon came around they came out.
Greater variety of plants emerging. The Hepatica are in full bloom, I found some with both purple and white flowers as well as some with more green foliage and others with purple. They are blooming on the bottom and the top of the bluff. Leaves are emerging on the gooseberries and another common shrub I don't recall the name of. Some oaks and the Ironwood still have their leaves.
The no mow grass seed I planted a few weeks back is sprouting.
7 petals on this hepatica flower
This plant smelled like mint when the leaves were rubbed.
I found 2 mushrooms lying on the forest floor. One was fairly large and was very moist and rubbery. Also some opaque green slimy stuff on the ground.
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